Understanding the US Economy: Myths and Realities

By ICLT member, Marshal Auron

The US economy is complicated and many of its workings are not widely understood. Also, the strength of the economy has a significant effect on politics and elections. The aim of this briefing is to help us:

  • Prepare to discuss economic issues with voters as we meet and engage with them in this election year.   

  • Understand some of the basic issues on the economy and counteract some widely held economic myths. 

  • Understand the Administration’s Economic Policies and advocate for policymakers and policies that can make economic opportunities more widespread. 

The U.S. economy is currently performing well, growing at about a 3% annual rate and creating jobs such that the unemployment rate is at historical lows. Inflation will likely be around 3.5% for all of 2023, down from over 5% in 2022. This should be good news for an incumbent President; so why are so many voters convinced that the economy is headed in the wrong direction?  The answer lies in people buying into some common economic myths, reinforced with a heavy dose of antipathy from the divisive political environment. Here are three key myths that don’t square with reality and feed the sense that we’re off track…

To find out the myths and realities, continue with this important briefing here