RSVP here:
“POWering UP for 2024" will be just what it sounds like - an energizing, motivating gathering of passionate Indivisibles to kick off a critical year of action! Old members and new will come together to make our action plans to turn North Carolina and the country BLUE in 2024!
to learn how we build political infrastructure through ACTION: from canvassing, postcard-writing, voter registration, to protesting and more!
to find out about our "Charlotte Engage" project designed to engage younger members
to hear from you about the skills and ideas you bring to Indivisible Charlotte
to get cool swag & yummy refreshments
to connect with old friends and make new ones
Special guest speakers! To help psych us up for the year of action ahead we'll have pep talks by:
Congressman Jeff Jackson
State Senator Rachel Hunt
Invite your friends, neighbors and fellow activists!
RSVP here:
Lace up, fuel up, charge up, and most of all, SIGN UP to POWER UP!